
Types of Big Game in South Africa
For hunters seeking a variety of animals and a thrilling big game hunt, Africa is undoubtedly one of, if not the, best destination out there.

The Leopard Hunt that Started with a Bourbon
One of the largest Leopards Animal Artistry has had the pleasure to work on.

America’s Taxidermy Revival: Kill It, Grill It…And Preserve It
Forbes article written by Chris Dorsey featuring Animal Artistry. Dorsey speaks of the preservation that is taxidermy and hunting. He mentions our late founder, Michael Boyce, and his vision when it comes to bringing your trophies back to life and the beauty of it.

Yesterday’s News
Yesterday I was going through a closet, and I found a large box full of ribbons and trophies that Animal Artistry won over the past 30 years in taxidermy competitions.

Selling Hunting Land - What You Need To Know Before You Sell
Selling hunting land is not the same as selling residential properties. It requires a different strategy, and there are a few extra things you have to consider.

Humble Beginnings
I started Animal Artistry nearly 40 years ago in my garage with the simple vision that animals were both beautiful and dignified.

A Good Day at Animal Artistry
This morning a 14-year-old boy and his father came into our studio with the boy’s first Deer.

The Taxidermy Line
If you were going to a movie and there were five lines to the entrance and four of those lines were moving very slowly but one of the lines was moving quickly, which line would you get in?
Understanding Taxidermy and Getting Value
It is a consistent pattern that most folks are all too eager to book their hunt and buy the best rifle and whatever other gear and equipment is needed in anticipation of a great hunting experience.

The Origin of Animal Artistry
In 1994, a group of archaeologists found a decorated cave in the south of France.

Full-Service Taxidermy
Over the past 40 years, Animal Artistry has developed a full-service business model to suit all your hunting needs.

You Are the Client – You Get What YOU Want
Animal Artistry loves to give the client exactly what they are looking for.

No Windows!!!
There is an understandable desire to want to look out and see nature while being in your trophy room or utilize natural light; however, windows are a BIG problem.

Why You Should Not Be Friends with Your Taxidermist
A professional relationship and a friendship are two separate matters, and when you cross that line, both are jeopardized.

One of the Good Guys
Throughout any industry there are those who are disreputable and unreliable. There are also those who are at the top of their game.
Structural Integrity: What You Do Not See Under the Skin
Most commercial life size mannikins come with all thread rods that extend down the legs of the mannikin and into the body.